Custer, Fall Calendar
Sept. 27
Custer State Park Buffalo Round Up & Arts Festival
Watch as wranglers round up 1,300 bison from Custer State Park. It’s a spectacular sight all ages can enjoy.
Sept. 29
Crazy Horse Volksmarch
The Crazy Horse Volksmarch is a popular hike with as many as 15,000 walkers. The event is sponsored by the Black Hills Chapter of the American Volkssport Association (AVA) and hosted by Crazy Horse Memorial®.
Oct. 5-6
Run Crazy Horse Full & Half Marathons
The Run Crazy Horse Marathon is a two day event enjoyed by thousands. The race begins in the shadow of Crazy Horse Memorial and finishes in Hill City, South Dakota.
Oct. 11-13
2019 Black Hills Powwow – He Sapa Wacipi Na Oskate
The He Sapa Wacipi Na Oskate, 33rd Annual Black Hills Powwow will be held on October 11-13, 2019. The event will be held at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Oct. 14
Native Americans' Day
Celebrate Native Americans' Day on the second Monday in October with us at Crazy Horse.
Nov. 2
53rd Annual Buffalo Auction
Join us as Custer State Park conducts their annual buffalo auction to keep herd numbers in check with the available rangeland forage. Between 250 and 400 buffalo and a few burros are sold at this auction.