Jackalope Mount SQ2355

Jackalope Mount SQ2355
Jackalopes are rarely seen. If and when one is spotted, it is usually the female of the species. Males are seldom if ever spotted except by the most cunning of hunters. Once in awhile a motorist will run into one in the middle of the night. But there again, only the females get hit as the males are much too smart and wouldn't try a stunt like that. Everybody needs a Jackalope!
These mounts are your average 2 and 3 point jackalopes. These are true trophies taken here in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Like the Wiley Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner, there are only a few people that are persistent enough to take these elusive critters. Most hunters give up quickly so not much is known about pursuing them . One woman that supplies us with some of these magnificent animals says she only goes out on a full moon night and mentioned something about the Jackalope Refuge in the Badlands, but didn't elaborate on much else. If you are a person that is truly looking for a rare animal that no one else has or seen, then look no farther. Decorate your home, den, office, cabin or man/woman cave with these!